Whistleblowing - Internal Procedure
Our History
Whistleblowing - Internal Procedure
In compliance with current regulations, and in particular with the Legislative Decree 24/2023, Macchi S.p.a. equipped itself with an internal procedure that allows you to send, even anonymously, reports regarding anycriminal, civil, administrative or accounting offences, which harm the public or company interest and of which it has become aware in the work context, provided that the violation is not linked to a personal interest that pertains exclusively to one's relationship with the company.
In particular, reports can be made by:- Employees (even in probationary periods);
- Self-employed workers and collaborators; Employees or collaborators of the company's suppliers;
- Freelance professionals and consultants who provide their work for the company;
- Volunteers and interns, paid and unpaid, who provide their work for the company;
- Shareholders and people with administration, management, control, supervision or representation functions in the company;
- Candidates and potential suppliers.
Macchi guarantees full protection of the whistleblower, ensuring:
- the security of your identity and the facts being reported, as well as the identity of those reported and the reputation of third parties in cases where the report proves to be unfounded. In this sense, the platform constitutes the preferential tool for sending and managing reports, as it is suitable for protecting such information with specific IT methods. The identity of the reporter will remain confidential and his/her data will be accessible only and exclusively to the person in charge of managing the reports, unless the reporter himself gives his express consent or disclosure is necessary in the context of judicial proceedings.
- Protection from any retaliatory and discriminatory behaviour, carried out against the whistleblower for reasons connected directly or indirectly to the report, having effects on the conditions of the relationship maintained by the whistleblower with Macchi.
Furthermore, as part of the reporting management process, personal data are processed in compliance with current legislation on the matter (EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018 ). The documentation and data relating to the report will be kept for the time strictly necessary to process the report, and in any case no later than 5 years from communication of the final outcome of the procedure.
The report must be made seriously and in good faith and only if there is reasonable reason to believe that the information about the violations is true.
If it is ascertained that the whistleblower has made a deliberately false report, he or she could be subject to a complaint for slander or defamation, which could also lead to a disciplinary sanction, including financial ones.
The report can be made:
- Preferably in written form, using the dedicated company platform (https://macchi.integrityline.com);
- In oral form, requesting a direct meeting with the reports manager, in the person of the Human Resources Manager Mr Roberto Oliva, to be set within 7 days of the request.
The content of the report is free, but it is important that as many elements as possible are communicated, in order to facilitate internal investigations.
Within 7 working days, the reporting party will receive confirmation from the person in charge of managing the report that the report has been taken into account. Within 3 months of receiving the report, during which the channel manager may also request additional information, the reporter will receive feedback.In the event that this does not happen, or the reporting party has reasonable grounds to believe that, by using the internal reporting channel, the report has not been effectively followed up or could lead to the risk of retaliation, it is possible to use the external reporting channel at the ANAC: Whistleblowing - www.anticorruzione.it