Agricultural films
Agricultural films
The growth of the world population is placing always increasing requirements on the films used in the agricultural business, who have to satisfy the needs of clearly defined applications with features which can overlap or integrate. Some examples are:
- Water management – mulch films / tunneling films
- Forage/grains conservation – silage stretch / silobags
- Pest control – fumigation films
- Weed growth control – mulch films / fumigation films
- Thermal protection – tunneling / Greenhouse films
- Product protection – netting films / awnings / anti-erosion nets
The extrusion technologies commonly used start from relatively simple single layer films, but most applications can be found in 3 and 5 layer products. 7 and 9 layer applications are reserved to specialties. Large coextrusion lines from 3 to 7 layers are also used for wide web applications.